Sunday, August 15, 2010

Red Alert @ 5th month

Today, 15 August 2010, is Qifah's 5-mth old birthday. Happy birthday, love. Mama pray that you will stay healthy and cheery as ever, muaks~!

After Sahur & Subuh, I just realised that I'm not able to fast effective today. Yes, red alert, the 'big auntie', Nihon flag, whatever you call it. I'm confused. I've been exclusively breastfeeding Qifah all these while. I tot my 'big auntie' won't be visiting me, at least until end of 5th month, when Qifah will be introduced with solid foods (hence no longer exclusive breastfed). I tot at least we'll be 'safe' until next month hohoho! At the same time, we felt relieved because my tummy has been unusual these days (hence the wild thinking hohoho...) Well, Allah knows well what is the best arrangement for each of us.

On that note, I have to ganti puasa after Ramadhan ends. I tot I will have a full Ramadhan this year. Nevermindlah, at least Qifah will get satisfying feedings for the next few days :)

To all Muslims (who are able to fast), happy fasting~!


  1. My red flag came after 1 month abis nifas. And I breastfeed my DS exclusively. So I guess it depends on your body... mine might be too subur kot..

  2. Rozy, yes i agree about the kesuburan, i guess that's the only explanation & ketentuan Ilahi :)
    so, just be berjaga2 lah :)

  3. maria red flag mai masa umur aqil 6 bulan...ada member smp 2 rs ikut body kot..

  4. Yup maria, lain orang lain body. Sampai 2 tahun baru period? hebat..
