Thursday, July 8, 2010

Qifah's trip to the Immigration Office

Today started like every other day. Woke up @ 6am, solat, breakfast. The only difference is, Ayah & Mama are not going to work. Because... we are going to the Immigration Office. Qifah & Ayah gonna have a brand new international passports! Why? We are tagging Mama to Hong Kong later in September yo!

When I got back at work, I've been trying to avoid outstation jobs. Reason being: I'm afraid that my BM stocks are yet sufficient (plus can't bear to be apart from little Qifah of course..). When I got to know that I've been assigned to this overseas job, I was in dilemma. My reason to breast feed ("BF") Qifah was not strong enuf to avoid the trip. To add on to the sorrow, I'll be flying on the 4th Hari Raya. Ohhhhh tidak!! After contemplating for many hours, I decided to bring over the whole family (and to incur some costs for that huhu..).

That's why laa this morning trip to the Immigration. Now only no.0185, ours are 0232.. ganbatte neh Ayah & Mama!

Tadi Qifah amik gambo paspot, sikit punye lama daaa.. toleh kanan toleh kiri, ayah pulak gi minyak rambut, nasib baik dapat gak gambo yang menepati spesifikasi. Thanks to teknologi digital, tiada pembaziran filem yang berlsku. Sekian laporan dari Cawangan Imigresen, Pekan Rabu.

1 comment:

  1. Salam Nina,
    Don't worry..just prepare apa yg patut..n u can do it. Lagi pun 2 hari je kan..Nothing impossible. Chaiyok! :)
